Saturday, October 20, 2012


(To not just another fashion blog.)

Hello friends! It's finally here! My fashion blog. Since I am unemployed and do nothing all day but browse fashion websites, I figured I would turn one of my passions into a hobby (and perhaps a career. Fingers crossed!) Some of you may be wondering if this is wise, but I literally have nothing better to do.... so here goes! First I want to explain some of my thinking behind this. (Because I have actually given this a lot of thought.) I will do it in a question and answer format:

Who are you?

For any of you who don't already know, my name is Christina. My favorite color is pink. I recently graduated from a law school no one has ever heard of, and can't get a job. (No, I am not the inspiration for Legally Blonde. I am not blonde, for starters.) I was formerly an English major and wanted to be a writer, so doing something like start a blog makes sense to me. I spent my last semester of law school with a bad case of 3L-itis (think senioritis, only worse) and pretty much spent all my time in class perusing fashion magazine websites and blogs. Having spent months fruitlessly searching for a job in a career I only picked so I could make lots of money to buy shoes (never do that, kids), I need an outlet for my frustration and creativity. Since I am (a) bored, and (b) broke, I figured this would be a good way to at least knock out (a), and maybe (if I am very, very lucky) (b) as well. 

I grew up, and still live in a small cow town near Seattle, WA. And I know, Seattle is not exactly known for fashion (Flannel is still very in here.) But we do have a unique look on style, and a ton of great vintage places (some of which I will be reviewing for you guys.) I have never been to New York Fashion Week (I have never been to New York, actually.) And I have never studied or worked in the fashion industry. Therefore, I have no business writing a fashion blog. But I'm going to do it anyway. Ha! (Also, in case you couldn't already tell, I really like parentheses.)

Why another fashion blog? There are already twenty kazillion of them.

I know there are literally hundreds of fashion blogs out there. I have read (and do read) a lot of them. So how is this one different? Well, first I think that every fashion blog IS different simply because different women (and men) write them. With each individual, you get a different perspective. That's what makes following multiple fashion blogs so fun. Besides, the mere existence of so many blogs indicates that they don't all say the same thing, and often cater to different tastes. There are as many senses of style as there are people on the planet (and yes, some are better than others.) This blog will introduce you to mine.

Why should I read this blog?

Well, if you read it for a few days and are still asking that question, stop reading. If you read it and like it, you will have answered your own question. But for those of you who want a preview of what is to come, let me explain what I think is different about my blog: I am a master shopper. I don't mean to brag, but I can find the best deal anywhere on clothes. People frequently compliment me on a hat/shirt/skirt/dress and my response is often, "Thanks! I got it for $3." That doesn't mean I look cheap. (I am an attorney, after all.) There are great deals on high-quality items out there. And no, not everything I feature on this blog will be super inexpensive. Sometimes I will post things I want, but could never afford. Other times I will post a great deal on something that started out really expensive, and I got for a reasonable price. I am the living embodiment of the statement you don't have to be rich to have style. If you are broke like me, this blog is for you. As an example, here are some recurring posts I hope to do:
  1. The 10/100: Not another ten things that each cost under $100. Because please, anyone can do that. (Which is why they do.) This will be ten things which ALTOGETHER cost less than $100. See if Vogue ever did that! (I'm pretty sure they never have, not even in the 1920's. If someone finds out I am wrong, I will issue a retraction.)
  2. The Friday under $50: Similar to #1, this will be a complete outfit (usually minus the shoes, I'm not a miracle worker, people!) under $50. 
  3. The Thursday Remix: In an effort to force myself to be more creative, I am challenging myself to take items I already own and combine them to make an outfit I have never worn before.
  4. The Tuesday Lust List: Seven(?) things I want right now. (But probably can't buy. See above.)
  5. The Monday Pretty: Something to brighten your Monday. (Because the rest of the world has a job. For me, Mondays are just like every other day: wake up at eleven, apply to the one job posting I haven't already applied for, browse fashion blogs/magazines, "window shop" online, write, drink, write some more, drink some more (kidding), go to bed at 3AM, wake up the next morning and start again.)
  6. And much, much more!
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I plan to. Please comment, I really want to know your thoughts (just be polite). And most of all, if you like this, tell your fashionable (or fashion-impaired) friends!

1 comment:

  1. Someone once said something like, "I don't have a degree in economics, therefore I can talk about it." It's tongue in cheek, but it's true as well. "Experts" don't always know best, because they spend too much time being specialists, so the fact that you haven't been part of the fashion industry is probably a good thing. ;) Looking forward to some good men's wear. :)
